YOU matter!


Sending love to you all. This is a strange and disturbing time we are in the middle of. Early in February my guides were talking about the growth that we are undergoing. They indicated we were in a period of great expansion and growth. They didn’t hint at what we are experiencing now but there is no doubt that what we are experiencing will bring about huge and sweeping changes for the Earth and each of its inhabitants. They ended with a pep talk which was fun to read as I transcribed the passage today.  It’s good to be reminded that we are more than we seem to be.

The expansion is widespread. Not only are the earth and its inhabitants expanding. Their expansion allows growth and expansion throughout the universe which will begin to change the multi-verse.

We have spoken before on the magnitude of the change that is occurring. We would like to remind you that it is a very large, no huge, shift in energy. The shift in energy opens space for more creation. The creation of what will be in part up to the human race. The expansion and what is created to fill that space will influence all.

This (discussion) is not something to encourage greater ego. It is to let you know that the attention and energy that humankind puts into the expansion matters. When the moments of difficult integration arrive, it is important to remember two things. You each asked to be part of this process and were chosen because you can do it, and that it does matter.

We leave you today and wish you the Joy of your heart.

Thanks for remembering, YOU matter! You are love incarnated into human form. You can always choose to be you and love. Sending love and blessings and my wish for your health and wellness, Linda


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One thought on “YOU matter!

  1. Deborah Cort says:

    I love this reminder. We do all matter and we do all have a choice in how we deal with things. The shift in energy is so palpable isn’t it? It’s an exciting time to be on this planet!

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