in the company of angels


The world seems to be moving faster and we seem to be moving slower. It is time to take a deep breath, or several deep breaths, and remind ourselves that we are love, that we are spirit having a human experience! That we are here to be joyful and to love! And we have lots of help to do just that!

Here is something I half channeled, half wrote a while ago. I always find it a joy and a comfort to work with the angelic realms.

We are in the company of angels. We live in union with all of creation large and small, seen and unseen. We move through life with angels at our sides. They are here to inspire and hold humans in their journeys. Angels are not unique to the earth they move and are engaged throughout the Universe. We feel their special presence on earth because they hold us in love. They hold us in love as a constant reminder that we are in fact love. This love is what we are here to express, first to ourselves and then to the world.

The love that you are here to express is not sentimental love; it is the love that knows no bounds and has no conditions. It is love without sentiment. It is love that loves because that is who we are. Just like a rose bud will always open to become a rose, so the humans will open their hearts to become the love that it truly are. The beauty of the love that radiates from an open heart is limitless and breath taking. It extends outward from the human and engages that which it gazes upon. It is in the engaging that the Unity of all life is expressed. It is in the giving and receiving of love that Oneness is achieved.

When God offers us love and we receive that love, we meet love with Love. There can be only love in that meeting. Our nature is understood, and we can offer that love to another. If the other is willing to receive it, then we are creating a fabric of love.

We start in small ways and the Angels are here to guide us. We can take baby steps in opening our heart to express the love that we are.

We are in extremely good company!!! You aren’t alone, and you are supported beyond anything you can imagine. Thank you for being joyful and loving! Happy Equinox! Much love and JOY! Linda

I just discovered that this is a repeat from 2012. My very second post. I liked it then and I still do! Love to each of you!!

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