heart of healing



I am doing some house keeping and found from channeling from several years ago (2013). I was asking my guides about healing. They had a lot of interesting thoughts:

Healing is revealing your divinity to yourself. This means that healing can take many different forms. You can heal yourself emotionally, mentally, spiritually or physically. As many ways as you can forget your Divine nature you can heal yourself back into that remembrance.

 You have always been Divine and will always be Divine. This is what eternal means. There is no Alpha or Omega for the soul that you are.

So, where does healing begin?

 Healing begins when you begin to awaken to your Divinity. This doesn’t have to be a sudden awakening from your sleep. It can be a slow stretching and gently coming into fuller and fuller consciousness. In this awakening you will probably not need that morning cup of coffee to propel you into action. The spark of self-memory will act as that cup of coffee and the thirst you didn’t know you had for your true identity will thrust you into action.

You are in an amazing journey at this point. You as a consciousness and we mean all on earth at this time, are awakening in various stages or degrees. Those who are more awake will be assisting those who are just starting to stir for it is in the assisting of those who are just starting to awaken that those who are awake will realize more and more of their own Divine Nature.

There are no steps to the process of awakening. You may awaken slowly or quickly. You will be who you are as a personality and some individuals do move at a slower pace and some at a faster pace. It does not matter. The faster pace will leap over details that a slower awaken-er might explore. It is all personal choice. You will all arrive at the same place in Divine right timing.

Divine right timing is something that makes a third dimensional thinker chase their tail. For there is no way to control or direct Divine right timing one can only move into the flow of it and then move with the current.

 Flow and the concept of flow is important. There is not a natural time progression in the universe, however, there is an orderly progression that you impose on events. This is because most of you do not like to have the end of the story told before you start.

 So, Divine flow is actually a larger concept than orderly events. Divine Flow is that movement, a dance that energy engages in. It is the very movement of Divinity. As you awaken to your own Divinity, you may join into the Universal dance or flow of energy. This is the activity that moves an individual’s energy physically. This is where healing and awakening and all things begin.

Divine flow is your stream of life. It is life.

Thanks for joining the Flow!! Lots of love! Linda


© 2012-2018 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.


be filled with your love


Today I came across this message from my guides from a while back.

Each of you are a gift to the world…

Joy is your link to your love and your stepping stone to understanding that love; and then living the love that you are. You each have come to earth to reawaken to the knowledge that you are a Child of God. In fact, we would change that statement slightly. You each are a Joyful Child of God. Open to that knowledge. In your center you will find your joy and love. Be generous with yourself and give yourself the most precious gift of all, your love.

We leave you today with our love and our blessings. Be joyful, be at peace and be yourself. Be your love.

Thanks for being Joyful! Thanks for loving you! Lots of love, Linda



© 2012-2018 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.

you are each love!


My guides send their love and the reminder that you are LOVE! Enjoy!!

The love that each of you are is the love of the Divine. It is your nature, it is who you are and what you have come into being to express. As you move into an expanded state of being, let the love expand you and allow you to move into a place of greater expression of your love.

Thanks for being who you are! Much love!! Linda


© 2012-2018 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.

be love!


We are nearing the last of the eclipses occurring in a very short period of time. The annual alignment called the Lion’s Gate is also occurring and many astrological events too. The earth is changing, we are changing, and the world is changing. All these events are sending us energetic support to create the world we want to live in. Dream big when you go to sleep tonight, dream a world filled with love, light, laughter and joy! My guides encourage you to let the love you are flow through you too!

The open heart brings a flow of Divine love that is what each of you seeks. The more individuals who can open their hearts to the love that they are, the more the whole will benefit. Love spreads quickly. Choose to allow your hearts to open and spread love where ever you go.

Thanks for being love! Lots of love and hugs! Linda


© 2012-2018 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.

be joyful!


I have been transcribing writings from last fall. I came across this today and thought I would share it with you. The world was reeling from multiple storms last year and the guides urged holding joy. When we focus on love and joy we are actually creating more love and joy, when we focus on worry and anger that is what we are creating. To step into the world we want to live in, we need to be aware of our focus. It is easy to say but sometimes hard to do in the face of the news. Since, we are reeling from multiple natural and human made disasters now it still seems like good advice.

Be joyful in your heart and allow your soul to hold you in that joy so that it may expand into the world around you. Joy is the best vibration to lift the energies around the world. Joy leads the way to love. Love leads the way to the core of who you are. Your love meets your love. You love from the inside out holding yourself in love and loving yourself.

Thank you for being joyful! Much love!! Linda

 This meditation might be fun to do!

© 2012-2018 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.