keep breathing!


Just before the solstice, my guides wrote about handling the energy arriving with that opening. As you are probably feeling, it is an expansive energy asking us to release all the uncertainty about who we are at our core and then bring that memory forward to our every breath. This allows us to move from resisting our Divine center to embracing it! What could be better than that?

The heart is the key. The heart that can stay open and allow, is the heart that will move through this expansion easily.

So, what is the basis of any resistance (to this energy). You each are aware that the answer is fear. There is only that energy holding you back now. Fear is a doubt in your connection to the Divine. For the Divine is all powerful, omnipotent we might rather say, and immortal. When you understand that this is who you are at your very core, there is nothing to fear.

How do you get to embrace that understanding? We would say one breath at a time. For your breath is your connection linking your external and internal world to Divinity. Your breath fans the flame of Divinity that is at the heart of each. It is through the flame that the remembrance of Divine birth is brought back into life, your life.

Thanks for BREATHING! Lots of love and hugs and deep breaths! Linda


© 2012-2019 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.

heart of healing



I am doing some house keeping and found from channeling from several years ago (2013). I was asking my guides about healing. They had a lot of interesting thoughts:

Healing is revealing your divinity to yourself. This means that healing can take many different forms. You can heal yourself emotionally, mentally, spiritually or physically. As many ways as you can forget your Divine nature you can heal yourself back into that remembrance.

 You have always been Divine and will always be Divine. This is what eternal means. There is no Alpha or Omega for the soul that you are.

So, where does healing begin?

 Healing begins when you begin to awaken to your Divinity. This doesn’t have to be a sudden awakening from your sleep. It can be a slow stretching and gently coming into fuller and fuller consciousness. In this awakening you will probably not need that morning cup of coffee to propel you into action. The spark of self-memory will act as that cup of coffee and the thirst you didn’t know you had for your true identity will thrust you into action.

You are in an amazing journey at this point. You as a consciousness and we mean all on earth at this time, are awakening in various stages or degrees. Those who are more awake will be assisting those who are just starting to stir for it is in the assisting of those who are just starting to awaken that those who are awake will realize more and more of their own Divine Nature.

There are no steps to the process of awakening. You may awaken slowly or quickly. You will be who you are as a personality and some individuals do move at a slower pace and some at a faster pace. It does not matter. The faster pace will leap over details that a slower awaken-er might explore. It is all personal choice. You will all arrive at the same place in Divine right timing.

Divine right timing is something that makes a third dimensional thinker chase their tail. For there is no way to control or direct Divine right timing one can only move into the flow of it and then move with the current.

 Flow and the concept of flow is important. There is not a natural time progression in the universe, however, there is an orderly progression that you impose on events. This is because most of you do not like to have the end of the story told before you start.

 So, Divine flow is actually a larger concept than orderly events. Divine Flow is that movement, a dance that energy engages in. It is the very movement of Divinity. As you awaken to your own Divinity, you may join into the Universal dance or flow of energy. This is the activity that moves an individual’s energy physically. This is where healing and awakening and all things begin.

Divine flow is your stream of life. It is life.

Thanks for joining the Flow!! Lots of love! Linda


© 2012-2018 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.


spring is stirring


I was walking this morning. We had had a brief shower in the night. The trees were alive and vibrant with just a little water and all the birds were singing and chatting. You could feel spring starting to emerge, I know it is early for spring for many of you, but it is starting to happen in California. This is what my guides had to say.

You sensed the awakening to spring in your morning walk. This is the same sense of awakening that is stirring in the hearts of human kind. The joy at the remembrance of all that you are is a joy that is beyond imagination.

Give yourself to this joy as you open to the truth of who you are. Remember your Divinity and welcome that essence of you back into your life and your world.

I send you much love and wish you the joy of remembering your Divine Nature! Love Linda


© 2012-2018 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.

you are love!


I send you my love and a Hello to you as a spiritual being having a very human experience. You are integrating a great deal of energy and information now.  This process is having you examine dusty corners of who you are and have been. Sometimes it’s an exciting revelation and other times not. I can only suggest that you hold the knowledge of your Divine nature and bring that love to all those things you are looking at.

The other morning my guides, a blending of Helios and The Angelics had this reminder:

You are love. The very structure of all that you are or ever will be is love. What does that say to you? There is no part of you that does not have its foundation in love. This love may be covered with layers and layers of some other vibrations, but dig deep enough and you find the love that you are.

We are all moving through the shift from being unaware of our Divine self to becoming fully aware of the Love that we are! Thanks for LOVING yourself! Much much love, Linda



© 2012-2017 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.

our “clairs”


I haven’t written about psychic “stuff” for a long while. Being psychic is becoming more and more a part of everyone’s life. We are knowing, feeling, hearing and seeing things that we would consider beyond our 5 senses more and more frequently. As the earth energies are changing so are our abilities.

Often these psychic happenings can go unnoticed in our busy lives. It is good to slow down and be a little more aware of what is happening in our bodies. Our bodies are our psychic connect. You might find yourself knowing things (claircognizants), feeling things (clairsentient), hearing things (clairaudient), seeing things (clairvoyant) and even smelling things (I’m not sure what “clair” that is).

Each of these “clairs” are ways of engaging both the physical world and the spiritual world.  We each are both physical and spiritual beings. We have had a lot of practice being physical. We work, have families, go to schools, have full lives. In most cases, we miss recognizing the awareness that may come through our “clair” abilities. These are whispers that have been in our lives connecting us to ourselves, each other and the spirit world.

These re-awakened sensory abilities are becoming an important part of our lives. They come to us as we learn that we can allow ourselves to be as opposed to do. Think of being as a state of unfolding. As you connect with yourself in the moment, you allow yourself to fully be in the moment, with a quiet mind, and allow the moment to unfold within you. You unfold into the beautiful flower that you are. You are being your Essence!

Thanks for tuning in to your whispers! Much love, Linda


© 2012-2017 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.

living in interesting times!


We have been experiencing the old Chinese wish and living in interesting times. My guides and many of the teachers and their guides have been encouraging about what we are experiencing. The personal healing that we have been doing for many years, is being pushed to a new level. We are being asked to be whole, that means not just the life time we are in now but all our lives. I had a reading with Natalie Gianelli and Dr. Peebles this week ( I love them dearly and it was wonderful to talk with them as always. Dr. Peebles strongly reminded me that I am energy first. This understanding makes it possible to connect with all my lives and send love to those parts that are feeling the same turmoil that the world is feeling now. By sending love to those parts of ourselves that are angry, afraid or confused by what has transpired over the past few weeks, we can heal density in our energy fields. Nora Herold, another teacher I love and respect, had a webcast on Facebook today, it starts about 4 minutes into the video,  ( It was great! Her guides affirmed the great benefit of sending love to those traumatized parts of ourselves and healing ourselves into wholeness. When we are truly whole within our energy field, we can be whole with our world. This is what we are working towards. A realization of the Oneness of life and the expression of ourselves as Oneness though the love we are at the core of our being.

I will leave you with Dr. Peeble’s recommendation that we use as a daily reminder. Feel these thoughts as you say them:

I am energy, first!

I love myself!!

I am open to receiving!!!

Simple thoughts to affirm the love, strength and beauty of who we are! Much Much Love! Linda


© 2012-2016 All rights reserved for this and all photographs and posts in this blog.