
I was talking with a friend this weekend and she talked to me about my need to express out loud my willingness to surrender to what is happening. I did and the energy shifted in me. And I found peace around the situation. This morning the guides talked about surrender. I thought I’d share it with you. The energies that are coming to us now are strong and we need to acknowledge them and recognize we can benefit from them. Here is what the guides said today.

Surrendering is not giving up, it is giving in. Energies are sometimes there and pressing on an individual. These pressures grow in response to resistance that comes up against these energy. This locks that pressure in place. They are in your terms stuck. When you surrender, you drop your resistance to what is.  You allow whatever it is. This does not in any way mean you like or approve of whatever it is. It means you acknowledge its presence, and you recognize that it is asking something of you.

Here is an important thing to remember. Yes, you create your reality. So, what is before you, you have a hand in creating. But we wish you to remember, this world is here for you to benefit from.

So, as you acknowledge what is before you, you can also ask to be shown how it benefits you. You may not see it in the moment, but you eventually will. We leave you with these thoughts. In love and light.

Sending lots of love and peace! Linda

© 2012-2023 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs, recordings, and posts in this blog.

heart’s response

We are going through so many changes right now! This weekend is no exception! With a New Moon and The Lion’s Gate Portal being fully open, there is a lot of energy flying around. My guides talk about choosing a different response when we are asked to change.

This weekend is the Lion’s Gate. The energies coming to the earth in connection with this portal are very strong. They strongly support the release of old stories and embracing the light that you are.

We have said many times that you are light, and you are love. This concept or idea is not a new one to you. It is, however, becoming more evident in individuated lives. As the light body merges with the 3-d physical body there are changes that occur. The idea of spending a few moments to release any resistance that you can feel in your body is one we will recommend.

The resistance to change has always been a prominent 3-d response. It comes from past experiences, beliefs, programming or general fears. In 3-d these were there to help and protect you. They came from your mental assessment of a situation and your ego. The ego and mind in 3-d are tasked with protecting you.

Moving into your 5-d persona and a body that is still physical but lighter and light filled will have responses that come from the heart. These responses will have different parameters to assess a situation.

Okay, you are transition from a mental based view of the world to one that is based on your heart. How to make that transition? We would suggest that when you are faced with a situation and feel yourself going into resistance recognize this as a 3-d response. Then take a deep breath or two and then create a symbol for the situation. Bring that symbol into your heart center. You may bring it directly into your heart center or you may drop it into your crown chakra and bring it to your heart center. It’s your choice. Allow that symbol to rest in your heart center and feel a new response to the situation. You then always have the choice of responding in 3-d resistance or the 5-d response suggested by your heart center.

Thanks for letting go of your resistance! Much much Love and hugs! Linda

© 2012-2021 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.

tsunami of love

I hope you are having a wonderful summer! Hard to believe it is mid-July! WOW! Today my guides wrote this for me, and I wanted it to share it with you!

Love on your earth is expanding. It may not seem that way, but we will say that it is. The expansion is coming one heart at a time. This creates a ripple through the fabric of life on earth. It will build until it becomes a tsunami, a tidal wave of love.

When love engulfs you, it will allow all that is held in fear or resistance to release. There will be some fall out from that and then the expansion of love will emerge. As it moves heart to heart, it will build, and the ease of the individual release will increase.

Those who are opening to this expansion early on come to it with a brave and joyful heart. The love that you bring is supporting and holding you. It is there as who you are and as that Divine Light within. These are one and the same. These are you. These are that part of you that is re-emerging into our life and bringing that Light to you and your world. It is now. It is true. It is Light. It is Love. Feel that Love and Light that you are and allow the joy to be your guide.

We leave you and wish you the joy of your heart!

Thanks for finding your Joy! Sending you lots and lots of love Linda

© 2012-2021 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.

keep breathing!


Just before the solstice, my guides wrote about handling the energy arriving with that opening. As you are probably feeling, it is an expansive energy asking us to release all the uncertainty about who we are at our core and then bring that memory forward to our every breath. This allows us to move from resisting our Divine center to embracing it! What could be better than that?

The heart is the key. The heart that can stay open and allow, is the heart that will move through this expansion easily.

So, what is the basis of any resistance (to this energy). You each are aware that the answer is fear. There is only that energy holding you back now. Fear is a doubt in your connection to the Divine. For the Divine is all powerful, omnipotent we might rather say, and immortal. When you understand that this is who you are at your very core, there is nothing to fear.

How do you get to embrace that understanding? We would say one breath at a time. For your breath is your connection linking your external and internal world to Divinity. Your breath fans the flame of Divinity that is at the heart of each. It is through the flame that the remembrance of Divine birth is brought back into life, your life.

Thanks for BREATHING! Lots of love and hugs and deep breaths! Linda


© 2012-2019 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.