Happy Thanksgiving!

Sending out a big Hello and love to each of you! I have been experiencing life in the extreme in the past little bit. Throughout it my guides have supported and loved me as have you! I wish you each to know the love that you are! In this time of gratitude, I wish to thank you for your love. And to remind you that you are love. You are a child of the Divine. You are at your core Divine Love. Here is a little something my guides wrote for the solstice in 2018. Enjoy!

Love is Divine energy in motion and light is that energy manifest in your world. We have said this before.

Think of what this means. It means that love is the basis of everything you can see or encounter. That love is Divinity manifest. Just as you are a manifestation of Divinity, everything is as well.

As you move into the energy made available to you this solstice, you will begin to receive a greater understanding of yourself and be asked to live that understanding.

This expanded knowledge of yourself is one that you will come to love deeply. The energy you will experience is your Divinity moving through your physical form.

The animation of you has always been through Divine essence. Now, you will have an understanding of that essence and allow it to move your life through grace. The grace to open to the Divine flow that is ever present for you and will continue to be there for you as your expand and create your lives.

The creativity that is becoming available to each of you will allow you to shape first your personal lives and then your world. You are stepping off into a whole new and we hope exciting venture.

We leave you this day with our love and our blessings. We are Helios blending. We wish you love and joy and peace.

Know you are love! Happy Thanksgiving! Much love, Linda

© 2012-2023 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs, recordings, and posts in this blog.

you are brilliant light

This weekend we have the Equinox. It brings with it a change of the seasons. Maybe it can bring a change of heart, an opening to the deeper love that is ever present waiting to be acknowledged in each of us. A group of us did this meditation this past week. We were sending love and light to the Ukrainian people and the world. I hope you will meditate along with us and send your beautiful love into the world.

Here is a reminder from my guides too!

We have said it many times, you are love and you are light. In your wholeness, you are love which is manifesting as light. You are coming to the knowing that you are each whole and complete within yourselves. At the same time, you are whole and complete within the greater Whole.

As you are witnessing the turmoil in the world, think on the above statement. You are within yourselves whole and complete and in the vast consciousness that is All That Is, you are also whole and complete.

When you know this in the depth of your heart, you will know that the more love you can give to yourselves, the more love will be present in the greater Whole. You might want to hold yourself in love and feel that love permeate every ounce your your being. As and you feel that love, allow it to radiate into the world adding to the love and light that is ever present. Share your light, bring that brilliance to the dark corners of the world, and allow them to receive the light and wash away the shadows.

Thanks for loving and shining your beautiful light! Hugs and much love! Linda

© 2012-2022 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs, recordings, and posts in this blog.

winter solstice 2021

Wishing you all the best on this solstice. As with each solstice we are given the opportunity to remember more of who we are. We are given an opportunity to change with that memory. Here is what Seraphina one of my dragon friends along with the gang said the other day! (The guides wrote this about two weeks ago so several of the celestial evens have rolled through.)

We bring you the love and joy of this time of changing seasons. The seasons of each life are changing. The changes are happening deep within each heart. This is a time of renewed birth. A time when the energies open deeply and offer themselves to each part of consciousness. This is call the solstice in your world. It is a time when each heart is touched by light and love and asked to remember who they are. For each are love and light and each have the opportunity to remember this as the light on your earth reaches this or the summer solstice points.

You are light. You are love. You are Divinity made manifest. On your earth that manifestation takes many forms. Divinity is all creation and all creative. Open to the love and light you are. Let that flow and meet the energies arriving with the many celestial happenings in the next little bit of your time. Awaken to the beauty and Divinity that you are.

I am Seraphina, one of the dragons. We wish you the love and joy of your heart!

Wishing joy, love, and laughter as you fill with the light of the solstice! Lots of love, Linda

© 2012-2021 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.

joyful you!

We are moving through many celestial events since November! It may seem like a roller coaster ride! We can find excitement and fun in that ride or be terrified and a little nauseous! My guides wrote about JOY! They like to write about joy, and I thought this was really nice and helpful. We can choose to embrace the joy and excitement of all the energies coming in. Maybe hug a tree to get your joy moving! Sending love for all the celestial events and especially for this Solstice! Here is what my guides have to say:

You can never exhaust the wonder and beauty of Joy. This is a frequency that is supported by Divine Love and it in turn supports Divine Love. Joy lifts and lightens all beings and all situations! If someone were to sit in a corner of a room filled with a negative vibration, and radiate joy, the room would begin to change frequency quite quickly. Joy is a powerful vibration that will entrain other less powerful vibrations quite easily.

When you align with the earth it is easy to entrain with the joy that is present in the earth. To entrain with that joy is is helpful to be in nature and aware of our surroundings. This is just one of many reason to be in Nature.

The natural world is always available for you to enter into. This can be one tree or a forest, they are both nature. It is the individuals’ appreciation of nature near and around them that begins the process of entraining joy.

Nature is always itself. It is always a reminder for each individual to be themselves. This is another of the many benefits of being in nature.

We leave you this day with our love and our blessing. We wish you the joy of our heart!

And I wish you the Joy of your heart too! Sending lots of love! Linda

© 2012-2021 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.

Divine essence

We are moving towards the winter solstice. The light seems to be either growing or receding all over the world. Our awareness is directed to that activity. It is an excellent time to honor our own light. Remembering, light is the manifestation of love. Knowing that we live in a dualistic world so, there will also be darkness. Thus, we have the seasons and the length of days changing with those season. Ultimately, it is all one experience, just spread out over time. We seem to be in the middle of a crazy time. Out of the times of chaos we can remember the unity and the One. You can do this by remembering that you are an expression of Divinity. We are love and light and part of a magnificent Whole!

Two sets guides channeled this lovely thought today:

Love and light are who you are. Love and light are what the world is built on. These are the core and foundation of all that you are. You are love and light at your core. These are the Divine energies that build everything!

Thanks for honoring your love and light! Wishing you much love, much light, much joy! Linda

© 2012-2021 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.

create and celebrate!

We just had another solstice! As with each solstice we are gifted more energy and information to help us open more to our Divine Selves. We have mention in the past little bit that it is time to let go of any tendency to dwell on past events and look to the future we are intending to create. Letting go and creating space for the world you choose to live in. Now is a great time to think a bit about how you would like to see your world and the world around you change. As you do this, my guides suggest you celebrate all that you are and all that you are becoming!

When you expand, you change your energy or frequency. This change allows you to hear and be in the Universe differently. You are not the exact same person when you expand. This is what is changing in your world. We will encourage you to hold the vision for your life and your world and how it will take shape in response to your new frequencies.

Now is the time to step out of your past and start to build your future. We are excited to see what you will create. We are excited to see you holding more light each day. Celebrate yourselves, celebrate your light, celebrate your love, and celebrate the Divine essence that resides within your heart.

Thanks for celebrating! Sending much love! Linda

© 2012-2021 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.

living your Divinity

This week we have experienced a full moon and a lunar eclipse! Lots of energy there. My guides wrote, earlier in the week, that the energies are helping us clear things that are no longer useful to us out of our energy fields. The energy arriving with the Solstice will fill the spaces created in our energy fields during this time. We can use this Solstice energy to build the foundation of the world we wish to live in! Here is what they had to say:

The astrologic events occurring tomorrow (5-26-21) are a clearing for the energies being presented with the solstice. The clearing over the past two months of family and ancestral energies will be pushed. The letting go of lineage issues or choice of things to study will make way for creating space for higher vibrations. These vibrations will include love and joy. Also, will include like frequencies such as compassion, peace, and gratitude. The world that you each are creating, can be based on these vibrations. This time is a time of choosing. Going forward if you can find a place for one or more of those frequencies, it will help to build the base for that world.

Many are calling it a “new world”. This is true in terms of what you experience now verses what you are creating. What you are actually creating is a remembrance of what it is to live your Divinity. It is a place you all have been and are bringing forward once again.

When you open your heart to the love that is there, ever present for you, then allow that love to flow as your light into the world, you will be living your Divinity. It will be a reminder for all. It will also lay down the base, the foundation, for the world that you are re-creating!

We send you our love and blessings. We wish you the joy of your heart!

Thank you for living your Divinity! Much love and big hugs! Linda

© 2012-2021 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.

joy and love!

We are moving through a very active astrological period culminating in the summer solstice! With each solstice we are urged more and more to remember who we are and express that in the world. This urging continues with the solstice. Here my guides remind us that love and fear can not exist in the same place. As you move through the coming time remember this and fan the spark of love in your heart!

When we bring you greetings of love and joy, we are bringing you greetings from our Divine heart to yours. This is a practice that we would love to see all humans engage in.

Moving forward having love and joy ever present in your energy will be helpful. You can hold love and joy even when you are in tough situations. By holding love and you are reducing fear. The more love and joy you can hold the less room fear has in your energy field.

Fear has been a dominant emotion on your world. This is a low frequency. As you move into multi-dimensionality, you are working more from frequency. The idea of holding fear is that it will lower your frequency and make it harder to hold more light.

We would suggest that fear does have a place in your world, but it is a transient emotion, and it serves the purpose of moving you out of danger. When you hold fear longer, it does not serve you.

So, we will complete these thoughts by revisiting love and Joy. You are love, that is your Divine nature. The joy is frosting on your love. You are being asked to be who you are. Find the love that you are within your heart, celebrate yourself, your love and live it!

As you celebrate YOU! I will celebrate YOU too! Sending lots of love, Linda

© 2012-2021 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.

winter solstice 2020

Wishing you all the blessings that this Solstice and the Jupiter Saturn conjunction bring. It is a great opening to more of the knowledge of who we are. It is also a shifting from an individual alone in the world to an individual integrated into a Whole. Here is what my guides wrote this morning!

The information and energies are here to support mankind’s knowledge and integration of the Oneness of all. This has been a knowledge that each solstice has been re-awakening in humans. All that is present in each life is part of a Great Whole and that Whole is Divinity, God, All That Is. Those are just a few words that describe the Whole that each human is part of, that everything you see is part of, and even things you don’t see.

The way forward is acknowledging your individual part in a Whole. Each acknowledgement brings greater memory to all parts of you. The 3rd dimensional experience has allowed each to create an individual. This individual is part and parcel of Divinity. Only, it did not remember from whence it came. Now, that individuation is being asked to remember its Divine essence. In doing so, you will be at once human and Divine. This information expands the understanding in all parts of the Divine, of the Whole.

The journey that each Divine spark has taken has been filled with adventures. These are your individuations. Each individuated heart has known and then sought the love of God. This is the treasure you are awakening to.

The call of this solstice is to awaken even more to the love in your heart. For that love is you and it is Divine!

We leave you and wish you the love and joy of your heart!

Thank you for awakening to the love in your heart! Sending you each much love, Linda

© 2012-2020 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.

you are love!

We are in one of my favorite times of year. You can feel the Angels, Guides and Teachers moving closer to us and holding us in their love. It is a time of change. The change from growing darkness (in the Northern Hemisphere) to growing light. This year brings us a time of powerful energies reminding us that we are love and more than that we carry the seed of Divine light and love within us. Here are some thoughts from my guides.

We bring you love. We remind you that you each are love. There is only love at the core of each of you and at the core of all you see.

When you can allow yourself to feel the love that is ever present for you, you can open to the love within. Then you are allowing love to flow through you and at the same time receiving love. There is a continual flow, movement of energies in your field. You are dynamic and expanding. You are Divine Love.

We leave you with this idea, this knowledge and wish you the joy of your heart.

My blessing for the Solstice!  Thank you for being the love that you are! Sending love to you! Linda

© 2012-2020 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.