a call to love

For many years, my guides and I have written about love from many perspectives. The bottom line always being you are love incarnate. Step into that knowing. Step into your identity as Divine Love manifest in human form. Time to express through your heart. A heart that is united with all hearts, with all consciousness, from the smallest grain of sand to the larges star in the sky. For love incarnate is who you are.

My guides wrote this the other morning.

The patterns of peace as an outpouring of love is one that many wish for. The pattern is form. Love precedes peace. The love that is an outpouring of an open heart is the love that will coalesce these energies into the pattern of peace.

The open hearts will happen one heart at a time. They will ignite each other and then the whole. You as a world are embracing the changes that are being offered to you.

Know you are Divine Love! Sending hugs and love and joy your way! Linda

© 2012-2022 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs, recordings, and posts in this blog.

a meditation

I have a beautiful group of friends who joined me earlier this week in a meditation for love. Love for each other, those in oppressive situations and war, those who are hungry, those who are in need of love and the beautiful earth we live on. Each soul’s light is beautiful and carries with it the love of Divinity! Join your beautiful light as a blessing to the earth and all consciousness here.

Sending you each the light of love! Much love and many thanks to you! Linda

© 2012-2022 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs, recordings, and posts in this blog.

send love and light

The events in the Ukraine are terrible and shameful. We all feel the need to do something to help. A group of us did a meditation sending love and light to the world and the Ukrainian people. I would like to share that with you here. Please excuse the extra chatter at the beginning and end of the recording.


I will also share some words of comfort that my guides had for us.

Take heart. The open heart that radiates the love that is ever present will guide each through all events.

Know that you are always held in love and light and never walk your pathway alone. Honor those who are in the midst of war. Honor their bravery and courage, honor the light that they are and know that they are held in love and light. Also, know that it is always always appropriate to request more assistance for them. Your request magnifies the energy available to them many fold. Your love holds them as well.

Thank you for sending love and light to all! Much love and light to you and those who are in great need. Linda

© 2012-2022 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs, recordings, and posts in this blog.

joyful you!

We are moving through many celestial events since November! It may seem like a roller coaster ride! We can find excitement and fun in that ride or be terrified and a little nauseous! My guides wrote about JOY! They like to write about joy, and I thought this was really nice and helpful. We can choose to embrace the joy and excitement of all the energies coming in. Maybe hug a tree to get your joy moving! Sending love for all the celestial events and especially for this Solstice! Here is what my guides have to say:

You can never exhaust the wonder and beauty of Joy. This is a frequency that is supported by Divine Love and it in turn supports Divine Love. Joy lifts and lightens all beings and all situations! If someone were to sit in a corner of a room filled with a negative vibration, and radiate joy, the room would begin to change frequency quite quickly. Joy is a powerful vibration that will entrain other less powerful vibrations quite easily.

When you align with the earth it is easy to entrain with the joy that is present in the earth. To entrain with that joy is is helpful to be in nature and aware of our surroundings. This is just one of many reason to be in Nature.

The natural world is always available for you to enter into. This can be one tree or a forest, they are both nature. It is the individuals’ appreciation of nature near and around them that begins the process of entraining joy.

Nature is always itself. It is always a reminder for each individual to be themselves. This is another of the many benefits of being in nature.

We leave you this day with our love and our blessing. We wish you the joy of our heart!

And I wish you the Joy of your heart too! Sending lots of love! Linda

© 2012-2021 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.

be joyful!

Wishing everyone who will celebrate Thanksgiving, a joyful one! It’s a great time to pause and appreciate the world we live in. You don’t need a holiday as an excuse. We can see all the things that bring us joy and smile any time. Joy is an important frequency in our lives and in the world. My guides had this to say recently!

Joy is a frequency that opens the heart and allows expansion. We have said and will say it again, when you feel joyful, you automatically begin to move and expand. There is nothing you need to do, only feel joy and your heart will open and bring you along your way to your Divine Nature.

You were created to experience and express joy and fun. This has been lost along the way. Find your joy it isn’t lost, and it is just buried deep in your heart.

Have a JOY Filled Thanksgiving and if you don’t celebrate it, be JOYFUL and celebrate YOU! Sending lots of love Linda

© 2012-2021 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.

Divine essence

We are moving towards the winter solstice. The light seems to be either growing or receding all over the world. Our awareness is directed to that activity. It is an excellent time to honor our own light. Remembering, light is the manifestation of love. Knowing that we live in a dualistic world so, there will also be darkness. Thus, we have the seasons and the length of days changing with those season. Ultimately, it is all one experience, just spread out over time. We seem to be in the middle of a crazy time. Out of the times of chaos we can remember the unity and the One. You can do this by remembering that you are an expression of Divinity. We are love and light and part of a magnificent Whole!

Two sets guides channeled this lovely thought today:

Love and light are who you are. Love and light are what the world is built on. These are the core and foundation of all that you are. You are love and light at your core. These are the Divine energies that build everything!

Thanks for honoring your love and light! Wishing you much love, much light, much joy! Linda

© 2012-2021 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.

eyes of love

I mentioned before that I have started working with Dragons. The other morning, I asked how they would describe themselves. They said, ‘To be a Dragon is to be a little bit wild and a lot wise.’  Here are some of their thoughts!

Wisdom comes with experience viewed with the eyes of love. When you understand that you are love housed in that body that you think you are, you begin to see with the eyes of love. Those eyes recognize that at its core everything they see is love, Divine Essence expressing in form.

When this happens, the drama falls away and becomes evident as drama and the pain or desire prompting the drama is also self-evident. The person viewing the drama can respond on the level of the drama or see with the eyes of love and view the love that is under the desire or pain creating the drama. The eyes of love will choose the love that is present in the other to respond to and allow the drama to fall away.

Thanks for Engaging your eyes of love and engaging your inner wisdom! Sending lots and lots of love and hugs! Linda

© 2012-2021 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.

you are Light!

My guide friends reminded me that we each are Light. Light is the manifestation of Love. They are encouraging us shine our light and to celebrate our Light! In the celebration, you help to bring more Love and Light into the world! Here is what they said today about Light.

You each are Light incarnate. Every part of you is Light. Every cell in your body is the Light that you are. Remember this and allow the Light to glow. You are a radiant being of Light. You are here to hold and radiate Light to the world.

It is time to remember who you are. And as you remember, celebrate yourself and celebrate your Light and all the Light in your world.

We leave you with these thoughts. We wish you the joy of your heart.

Thanks for shining your Light!!! Much Love and Light and Joy! Linda

© 2012-2021 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.

the light of you!

Hi! I hope you are finding some quiet time for yourself and using this time to remember who you are. It would seem with all the turmoil in the world that there is a lot of darkness. Rather than focusing on the darkness, my guides remind us that we are light. Take that quiet time and do remember that you are light, and you are love; and that those qualities are your Divine essence. You can give light and love to yourself and the world. You can light up the darkness!

The energies are moving rapidly. They are triggering a multitude of 3rd dimensional experiences. As individuals work through these experiences, they are able to release density throughout all their energy fields.

This density represents the blockages of light. Light is the life bringer, the animator. It allows more light to follow it. As you shine light on density perceived or real, you are introducing light to darkness. Those two states are part and parcel of the 3rd dimensional experience. They are duality often duality in the extreme. Think about the flow of light. It moves quickly and without effort. As it moves it lights and lightens everything it encounters.

As creatures of light, you bring light to each moment. This is who you are moment to moment. The light that you bring is the Divine flow that animates you, that allows you to see the duality in the world and choose light. Choose your Divine expression, choose your Light and see the Divine in all life.

There is no duality. There is only the ever present light of Divinity.

Thanks for being the light that you are! Sending lots of love and light and wishing you the joy of your heart! Linda

© 2012-2021 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.

kindness and compassion

Sending love to each of you! My guides talked a bit about kindness and compassion the other day. As love incarnate you always have kindness and compassion available to share. It is an easy way to share your light with the world. When you share your light, you are reminding those you share it with of their potential!

Compassion is an acknowledgement of the connectedness of all things. It is the understanding that part of the Whole needs consideration. Kindness follows compassion. This can be kindness for yourself first. Allowing kindness for yourself will allow you to freely extend kindness to another. The same is true of compassion. Both responses are rooted in love. The love that is transmitted through kindness and compassion is an offering and acknowledgement of the Divinity that the other is and that you are.

This then explains why these are important and helpful for an individual to cultivate. The more responses such as compassion, kindness, and then responses like joy and peace to name a few, that can be extended, the more the Divinity is placed in the world as an active energy.

Thanks for sharing! Much love and light! Linda

© 2012-2021 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.