you are a wonder!

I love what the Dragons have to say!  They tell me that “Dragons love sparkly shiny things. We like them because they reflect the light and make things feel magical.” We are entering a time of accelerated growth! Embrace that growth with love and joy! Let it be magical! It will be much more fun! Here is something the Dragons said a few mornings ago!

Light is magical. Light is Divine Love Manifest. When you immerse yourself in Divine Love, wonderous things can happen.  These are wonderous but you may call them magic. The idea of creating something where there was apparently nothing, is one of the things you all feel is magical expression.

From our standpoint, all creation is magical. The wonder of light, the wonder of love and joy, the wonder of creation are all things that spark the imagination and feel other worldly or magical.

It is simple, a simple feeling if your will.  Why not allow the wonder of a child into your life then all the world is a magical place.

We know this is a great feeling. The opening to the wonder of all the world allows for expansion and joy which brings more expansion and joy. You are light and you are love. They are one and the same. Because that is who you are. As you step into your multi-dimensional self, you will create and bring energy to life where there was nothing before.

We leave you with these thoughts and wish you the joy of your heart!

Thanks for opening to the wonder of who you are! Sending lots of love and joy your way! Linda

© 2012-2021 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.

you are Light!

My guide friends reminded me that we each are Light. Light is the manifestation of Love. They are encouraging us shine our light and to celebrate our Light! In the celebration, you help to bring more Love and Light into the world! Here is what they said today about Light.

You each are Light incarnate. Every part of you is Light. Every cell in your body is the Light that you are. Remember this and allow the Light to glow. You are a radiant being of Light. You are here to hold and radiate Light to the world.

It is time to remember who you are. And as you remember, celebrate yourself and celebrate your Light and all the Light in your world.

We leave you with these thoughts. We wish you the joy of your heart.

Thanks for shining your Light!!! Much Love and Light and Joy! Linda

© 2012-2021 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.

the light of you!

Hi! I hope you are finding some quiet time for yourself and using this time to remember who you are. It would seem with all the turmoil in the world that there is a lot of darkness. Rather than focusing on the darkness, my guides remind us that we are light. Take that quiet time and do remember that you are light, and you are love; and that those qualities are your Divine essence. You can give light and love to yourself and the world. You can light up the darkness!

The energies are moving rapidly. They are triggering a multitude of 3rd dimensional experiences. As individuals work through these experiences, they are able to release density throughout all their energy fields.

This density represents the blockages of light. Light is the life bringer, the animator. It allows more light to follow it. As you shine light on density perceived or real, you are introducing light to darkness. Those two states are part and parcel of the 3rd dimensional experience. They are duality often duality in the extreme. Think about the flow of light. It moves quickly and without effort. As it moves it lights and lightens everything it encounters.

As creatures of light, you bring light to each moment. This is who you are moment to moment. The light that you bring is the Divine flow that animates you, that allows you to see the duality in the world and choose light. Choose your Divine expression, choose your Light and see the Divine in all life.

There is no duality. There is only the ever present light of Divinity.

Thanks for being the light that you are! Sending lots of love and light and wishing you the joy of your heart! Linda

© 2012-2021 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.

being you!

My guides were talking about authenticity and what it might mean to us. Being in your heart center ultimately gives you the freedom to be yourself in every moment! Here is what they say!

When you step into your world, step with love. You can approach your world in many different ways. When you step out in love, you are stepping out in your most authentic self.

As love incarnate in physical form, you are your heart. It is more about expressing your heart than figuring out what authenticity is to you. When you express your heart, you are totally you and you are free to be whatever that means!

Thanks for being You! Much love and many hugs! Linda

© 2012-2021 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.

heart’s response

We are going through so many changes right now! This weekend is no exception! With a New Moon and The Lion’s Gate Portal being fully open, there is a lot of energy flying around. My guides talk about choosing a different response when we are asked to change.

This weekend is the Lion’s Gate. The energies coming to the earth in connection with this portal are very strong. They strongly support the release of old stories and embracing the light that you are.

We have said many times that you are light, and you are love. This concept or idea is not a new one to you. It is, however, becoming more evident in individuated lives. As the light body merges with the 3-d physical body there are changes that occur. The idea of spending a few moments to release any resistance that you can feel in your body is one we will recommend.

The resistance to change has always been a prominent 3-d response. It comes from past experiences, beliefs, programming or general fears. In 3-d these were there to help and protect you. They came from your mental assessment of a situation and your ego. The ego and mind in 3-d are tasked with protecting you.

Moving into your 5-d persona and a body that is still physical but lighter and light filled will have responses that come from the heart. These responses will have different parameters to assess a situation.

Okay, you are transition from a mental based view of the world to one that is based on your heart. How to make that transition? We would suggest that when you are faced with a situation and feel yourself going into resistance recognize this as a 3-d response. Then take a deep breath or two and then create a symbol for the situation. Bring that symbol into your heart center. You may bring it directly into your heart center or you may drop it into your crown chakra and bring it to your heart center. It’s your choice. Allow that symbol to rest in your heart center and feel a new response to the situation. You then always have the choice of responding in 3-d resistance or the 5-d response suggested by your heart center.

Thanks for letting go of your resistance! Much much Love and hugs! Linda

© 2012-2021 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.


We have moved even deeper into our changes. Into even more of who we really are. What can that ever mean? We are stepping out of a limited identity into one that is expansive and will continue to grow and change as we do. Divine essence moves through each of us, and we are choosing how to express that. As we do, we remember more of our Divine nature. Here is what my guides reminded me of earlier today!

When you expand into more, there is always more to expand into. Remember you are the expression of Divinity and Divinity is infinite.

The idea of infinite is difficult to engage from a 3rd or even 5th dimensional consciousness. You will start to get a glimmer of what it might mean. Recognize this as an approximation. You are all working with approximations at this point in time, as you expand allow those approximations to expand and change with you.

Divinity has no limits. Ultimately you have no limits. As you can give yourself permission to transcend your limitations you will!

Thanks for remembering! Sending lots and lots of love! Linda

© 2012-2021 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.

joy and love!

We are moving through a very active astrological period culminating in the summer solstice! With each solstice we are urged more and more to remember who we are and express that in the world. This urging continues with the solstice. Here my guides remind us that love and fear can not exist in the same place. As you move through the coming time remember this and fan the spark of love in your heart!

When we bring you greetings of love and joy, we are bringing you greetings from our Divine heart to yours. This is a practice that we would love to see all humans engage in.

Moving forward having love and joy ever present in your energy will be helpful. You can hold love and joy even when you are in tough situations. By holding love and you are reducing fear. The more love and joy you can hold the less room fear has in your energy field.

Fear has been a dominant emotion on your world. This is a low frequency. As you move into multi-dimensionality, you are working more from frequency. The idea of holding fear is that it will lower your frequency and make it harder to hold more light.

We would suggest that fear does have a place in your world, but it is a transient emotion, and it serves the purpose of moving you out of danger. When you hold fear longer, it does not serve you.

So, we will complete these thoughts by revisiting love and Joy. You are love, that is your Divine nature. The joy is frosting on your love. You are being asked to be who you are. Find the love that you are within your heart, celebrate yourself, your love and live it!

As you celebrate YOU! I will celebrate YOU too! Sending lots of love, Linda

© 2012-2021 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.

you are creative!

Hello! Hope this blog finds you well. We continue in difficult times. It is important to remember that you each are held in love. In that love is a reminder that you are part of the Whole of Creation. As part of that Whole, you are also a creative. I am catching up on my daily writings and back in May here is what my guides were saying:

You are each creative beings. The urge to create is part of your makeup. As 3rd dimensional beings there was limitation on how much energy you were able to access as a creative. As you expand into multi-dimensionality and remember your heart’s connection, you have all of Divinity at your fingertips.

The ability to create instantly will not be available for a while. You are in a time of re-learning and practicing your creative abilities. The need to understand clarity is going to be your, humankind as creators, next learning or we should say re-learning.

Clarity is the ability to view the intended creation and see all the pieces and view how they fit together. It is then a review of the intention and intended creation to see how it meshes with your desires.

For now, you will be practicing individually. Soon, you will begin to create as collectives. Small (collectives) ones at first and then moving into larger groups. You are learning to find and hold clear frequencies that define your creation. Then allowing spirit to help blend these frequencies into being.

Creating is a way of expanding. Equally important it is a way of self-discovery. Each of you is discovering more of who you are day by day, hour by hour. It is like a flower unfolding. You are coming into an opening to who you are at your core. Through your creation you are able to allow that core to flow into your creations, into your world, and flower into something beautiful.

You are currently, in a period of change to continue the idea of the flower, the garden is going into its winter stage and you are getting ready to start a spring garden. You are renewing some things but most of you are planting new. This is a period of choice. You are now able to choose the qualities, colors, and aromas that your new garden will have. Do this with Joy!

In all parts of your life look for Joy, even in times of distress. I send you Love and Joy! Hugs, Linda

© 2012-2020 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.



We have just enjoyed another Thanksgiving! Leading up to Thanksgiving my guides talk with me about gratitude. It is such an easy thing to do and easy to forget too. It’s nice to have a reminder that there are so many things in our lives that we can give thanks for. Gratitude is a more power full way to engage the energies we are. Here is what my guides had to say.

Love, Joy, gratitude, peace are also entry ways to the knowledge of your heart. Being of your heart puts you in an opportune place to engage the Whole of you. In other words, to become multi-dimensional.

To be multi-dimensional in a physical body means to access all parts of who you are and bring that energy into the physical. This allows you the possibility of making unmanifest information or energy, manifest through you. Ultimately, you may bring the Divinity through and become God in action. This can be done by embodying one of the energies we started with. Each energy opens the door to expressing first the Divine Spark with your heart and then the flow of Divine energy that is ever present for all.

 I am so grateful to you my readers. It is such a great pleasure for me to share my guides writings with you. They like it too! Sending you love, joy and gratitude! Linda


© 2012-2019 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.