joy of your heart!

We have celebrated this holy season in our own many ways! As we step into the new year, my guides remind us of who we really are and what they wish for us always.

Joy is what we wish for every heart that beats. You are the light and love of All That is. You are the heartbeat of creation.

When you walk each step brings light and leaves the love of All That Is Divine in its wake.

Walk with a lighted step and a radian heart. The Earth receives these blessings as does all consciousness.

We leave you this day with our love and wish you the joy of your heart.

Wishing you a magical, joyful, healthy, and abundant new year! Happy New Year!! Much love! Linda

© 2012-2021 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.

winter solstice 2021

Wishing you all the best on this solstice. As with each solstice we are given the opportunity to remember more of who we are. We are given an opportunity to change with that memory. Here is what Seraphina one of my dragon friends along with the gang said the other day! (The guides wrote this about two weeks ago so several of the celestial evens have rolled through.)

We bring you the love and joy of this time of changing seasons. The seasons of each life are changing. The changes are happening deep within each heart. This is a time of renewed birth. A time when the energies open deeply and offer themselves to each part of consciousness. This is call the solstice in your world. It is a time when each heart is touched by light and love and asked to remember who they are. For each are love and light and each have the opportunity to remember this as the light on your earth reaches this or the summer solstice points.

You are light. You are love. You are Divinity made manifest. On your earth that manifestation takes many forms. Divinity is all creation and all creative. Open to the love and light you are. Let that flow and meet the energies arriving with the many celestial happenings in the next little bit of your time. Awaken to the beauty and Divinity that you are.

I am Seraphina, one of the dragons. We wish you the love and joy of your heart!

Wishing joy, love, and laughter as you fill with the light of the solstice! Lots of love, Linda

© 2012-2021 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.

joyful you!

We are moving through many celestial events since November! It may seem like a roller coaster ride! We can find excitement and fun in that ride or be terrified and a little nauseous! My guides wrote about JOY! They like to write about joy, and I thought this was really nice and helpful. We can choose to embrace the joy and excitement of all the energies coming in. Maybe hug a tree to get your joy moving! Sending love for all the celestial events and especially for this Solstice! Here is what my guides have to say:

You can never exhaust the wonder and beauty of Joy. This is a frequency that is supported by Divine Love and it in turn supports Divine Love. Joy lifts and lightens all beings and all situations! If someone were to sit in a corner of a room filled with a negative vibration, and radiate joy, the room would begin to change frequency quite quickly. Joy is a powerful vibration that will entrain other less powerful vibrations quite easily.

When you align with the earth it is easy to entrain with the joy that is present in the earth. To entrain with that joy is is helpful to be in nature and aware of our surroundings. This is just one of many reason to be in Nature.

The natural world is always available for you to enter into. This can be one tree or a forest, they are both nature. It is the individuals’ appreciation of nature near and around them that begins the process of entraining joy.

Nature is always itself. It is always a reminder for each individual to be themselves. This is another of the many benefits of being in nature.

We leave you this day with our love and our blessing. We wish you the joy of our heart!

And I wish you the Joy of your heart too! Sending lots of love! Linda

© 2012-2021 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.