

I had a conversation this morning with a dear friend about the light on earth. I was thinking afterwards about our participation in that light. This afternoon my guides jiggled me and wanted to discuss how we use our light.

Let us look at the idea of light workers from our perspective. We would actually call those of you who have chosen to help bring the on-going earth and universe changes into being light anchors and/or light beacons. Individuated consciousness can be both.

As you, each, chose to come into life in service to the light and love that you are, you may have chosen to be a light anchor. In which case you have spent at least one and sometimes more life times allowing the light from Universal Divinity to fill you and be sent deep into the earth. The anchoring of this energy through your physical form is important because it makes the light tangible. The light may not make a person glow, but that person is holding the light steady and allowing it to move into the earth. As the energy moves deep into the earth it attaches to the center or heart of the earth and assists the earth in her transition and ability to hold more light.

Those who choose to become beacons, anchor the light and choose to radiate that light into the world.  The radiant light services as a reminder for all who that person encounters that they are of Divine Light and are that same Light. When the beacons radiate light, they are acting as constant reminders to all, alarm clocks if you will, that the time to engage and awaken to your own Light is now.

So, we would say again, it is time to awaken to the Divine Light and Love that you embody. This is the self that you have been waiting to awaken to.

We leave you this day with our love and blessings. We wish you joy and love.

Let the Light and Love that you are enliven the earth and all consciousness! Much love and my deepest thanks! Linda



© 2012-2017 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.




I came across something that the guides wrote for the last winter solstice. I think it is even more appropriate now. We are continuing to step out of our old way of being and creating a new life and new world for ourselves. Here is what they had to say about a year ago.

Nature in your hemisphere is moving into her time of rest. This is a period where the work is directed to an internal view. As you, each, are part of nature it is your time to expand your internal view.

The internal view is what brings the fruition of dreams and healing. The transition you are in now is the transition from healing to dreams. The emphasis has long been on healing and it has become the human view that they need to heal, release and /or fix a part of themselves. This is shifting now to, what do you want to create in the world. This is s shift from being mechanics to being designers.  The role of mechanic is familiar and mostly a known quantity. That of designer is not.

Many do not have a glimmer of an idea of what they would like to see in their world.  This is fine for now as long as the individual does not fall back into fix mode. The energy is such that in many cases you will create things to fix.

Most know what they do not want in their world. So, begin to look at what would supplant those “do not wants” with “I would like”.  This will take conscious awareness of the things that flow through your mind on the don’t want list. And consciously stopping the list and replacing it with your desires.

Be gentle with yourselves. This is not something that you necessarily begin and are good at, it may be, but for most the old way of thinking is habitual. As such you are breaking a habit that is long standing.

The guides have been talking about this coming solstice and the influx of light that will accompany it. I will post more in the coming days. In the meantime, I will repeat the guides suggestion above; be gentle with yourselves. Love yourselves deeply. And dance and sing and be joyful!

Thanks for dreaming BIG! Then creating HUGE! Much love! Linda



© 2012-2017 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.



Breathing is always a good thing. Being aware you are breathing is even better. Sometimes my reaction to world events is to stop breathing.  My guides and angelic friends reminded me to breathe this morning.

In the quiet of your breath rests your Divinity. As you gently breathe in and out, you allow your Divine essence to become present in your awareness.

Consciously breathe. Consciously know your Divinity. Awake to all that you are. Awake to all that you always have been.

We love you and know that you are able to receive and give love as we do. We leave you with our love and blessings and wish you joy this day!

Thanks for breathing!!! Much love, Linda


© 2012-2017 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.


all hallows eve


Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. Originally coming from New England, it marked the transition period moving from fall into winter. My guides talked about the change of the energy from fall to winter. They were speaking in terms of the northern hemisphere. So, for those of you in the southern hemisphere, you are approaching a time of activity. Stirring from a place of quiet. My guides wrote this today.

On your world this day has often been a day of celebrating. Celebrating the abundance of the summer and fall. It is the celebration of the earth’s moving from a place of activity to a place of restoration. You are entering the period leading up to the solstice. The winter solstice is about moving inward.  Moving inward to understand your heart.

To understand your heart, you must first be open and listen for your heart’s whispers. Your heart will speak to you in many ways. You can learn to listen with physical ears, inner ears and you may listen by being aware of what is being shown to you in your world. Your heart will communicate with you in whatever way possible. Your task is to be open to receiving your heart’s messages.

So, on the All Hallows Eve, the eve of honoring the earth’s inward journey, start your inward journey. Begin listening to your heart then as you reach the solstice, which is the solar inward turning, you will have some experience with listening to the voice of your heart.

Allow the inward turning to bring you more love, peace, joy and restoration. In the meantime, eat lots of chocolate from your trick or treating!! Much love, Linda



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