e-note 6


A few weeks ago Jennifer McLean (Healing with the Masters) had Rikka Zimmerman on her webcast. They are always spectacular together and that day was no different. Rikka introduced a short exercise in which she had us look at one of our hands and talk to the hand, telling it: You are love, you are love, you are love! You are light, you are light, you are light! You are infinite possibilities, you are infinite possibilities, you are infinite possibilities! She suggested that it might be repeated several times to awaken (in that case our hand) what you were informing.
I was taken by this exercise and tried it on myself and will tell you it works! The energy shifts amazingly. I was writing with my guides this morning and I asked about it the statements. They had the following comment:
Creation works on a pulse. Just as the heart beat is the pulse of a person. The Universe has a heartbeat which is the pulse of creation.
A pulse has three parts. It has the actual pulse, it has the rest, and it has the gathering before the pulse. This is the principle of three. Three is a model of creation. When things are done in threes, they are reminding all humankind of the Creative Force. The three also invites the Creative Force consciously into the equation and enhances the activity. This is part of the reason that “you are love, you are light, you are infinite possibilities”* is so powerful. It is a wakeup call to that which is looked upon and it is a direct access for that which is looked upon to Divinity.
It is good to use this statement now because there are elements within the human form that are poised to awaken. The primary awakening being the remembrance that you are love. This statement will activate that and other memories within those who say it for both themselves and others.
Consciousness is opening to part of itself that has been closed off for the third dimensional experience. The re-opening of consciousness is a wondrous thing and it does indeed make for infinite possibilities.
So tomorrow morning when you look in the mirror tell yourself who you are:
You are love, you are love, you are love! You are light, you are light, you are light! You are infinite possibilities, you are infinite possibilities, you are infinite possibilities!

Much Love, Light and Joy! Linda



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Give yourself the gift of joy with each moment! You are love and love loves to be Joyful!

e-note 6

Today is the first day of a new spring. The beginning of a new year. A new year that starts with growth and that is filled with life. I am making a commitment to add as much joy to each day as I can possible add! When you add joy, your love slides into your life right beside the joy. What could be better than that!
Remember the last time you felt that expanded joy fill you! You can bring that memory back at any given moment. Let the memory fill you with your joy and bring it into your present moment. Be expanded, fill with joy and then let your love awaken and fill you too. Thanks for your Joy! Much love Linda