the light of you!

Hi! I hope you are finding some quiet time for yourself and using this time to remember who you are. It would seem with all the turmoil in the world that there is a lot of darkness. Rather than focusing on the darkness, my guides remind us that we are light. Take that quiet time and do remember that you are light, and you are love; and that those qualities are your Divine essence. You can give light and love to yourself and the world. You can light up the darkness!

The energies are moving rapidly. They are triggering a multitude of 3rd dimensional experiences. As individuals work through these experiences, they are able to release density throughout all their energy fields.

This density represents the blockages of light. Light is the life bringer, the animator. It allows more light to follow it. As you shine light on density perceived or real, you are introducing light to darkness. Those two states are part and parcel of the 3rd dimensional experience. They are duality often duality in the extreme. Think about the flow of light. It moves quickly and without effort. As it moves it lights and lightens everything it encounters.

As creatures of light, you bring light to each moment. This is who you are moment to moment. The light that you bring is the Divine flow that animates you, that allows you to see the duality in the world and choose light. Choose your Divine expression, choose your Light and see the Divine in all life.

There is no duality. There is only the ever present light of Divinity.

Thanks for being the light that you are! Sending lots of love and light and wishing you the joy of your heart! Linda

© 2012-2021 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.

spring is stirring


I was walking this morning. We had had a brief shower in the night. The trees were alive and vibrant with just a little water and all the birds were singing and chatting. You could feel spring starting to emerge, I know it is early for spring for many of you, but it is starting to happen in California. This is what my guides had to say.

You sensed the awakening to spring in your morning walk. This is the same sense of awakening that is stirring in the hearts of human kind. The joy at the remembrance of all that you are is a joy that is beyond imagination.

Give yourself to this joy as you open to the truth of who you are. Remember your Divinity and welcome that essence of you back into your life and your world.

I send you much love and wish you the joy of remembering your Divine Nature! Love Linda


© 2012-2018 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.



This morning my angelic guides sent this beautiful message to share.

Rejoice in the love that is ever present for you, each heart that beats its song on earth. Rejoice in the love that each of you has to offer to the music of the spheres. This is the heart song of the Universe.

Be ever present in your love and we leave you with our love and joy. This is who you are, love and light joyously creating your earth!

We are the Angelics this morning sending you light love and joy and an acknowledgement of your light, love and joy!

Thanks for rejoicing and adding your notes to the choir!!!! Much love!! Linda


© 2012-2017 All rights reserved worldwide for all photographs and posts in this blog.

greetings of Joy!


Yesterday I channeled a beautiful message from the angels who write with me in the morning. They said:

We bring you greetings of Joy. This is the time when the light of the world is celebrated. In that celebration there is always the memory that you are celebrating your life and your light. Light is love.  Embrace your light and love. Hold yourself dear for in that holding, you hold yourself and All That Is in the highest esteem. Awaken to your remembrance of the light and love that you are!

Thanks for remembering and letting your light sing this season! Much love and all the best of all the holidays celebrating the light! Linda


© 2012-2015 All rights reserved for this and all photographs and posts in this blog.


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My guides reminded me today:

The heart’s voice is coming into its own. The heart’s voice speaks a heart’s truth and wishes. It speaks for the soul, the soul speaks for all Divinity, for that is the soul’s place in the scheme of things. The soul is the inflamed spark of light that animates you and is your Divinity. Let that Divinity become larger, as large as you are, then larger than you are. Allow your heart’s voice to sing your Divine song. For now is your time. Embrace your beautiful heart and sing your joy.

Thanks for sharing your song! Lots of love, Linda

© 2015 All rights reserved for this and all photographs and posts in this blog.