living your Divinity

This week we have experienced a full moon and a lunar eclipse! Lots of energy there. My guides wrote, earlier in the week, that the energies are helping us clear things that are no longer useful to us out of our energy fields. The energy arriving with the Solstice will fill the spaces created in our energy fields during this time. We can use this Solstice energy to build the foundation of the world we wish to live in! Here is what they had to say:

The astrologic events occurring tomorrow (5-26-21) are a clearing for the energies being presented with the solstice. The clearing over the past two months of family and ancestral energies will be pushed. The letting go of lineage issues or choice of things to study will make way for creating space for higher vibrations. These vibrations will include love and joy. Also, will include like frequencies such as compassion, peace, and gratitude. The world that you each are creating, can be based on these vibrations. This time is a time of choosing. Going forward if you can find a place for one or more of those frequencies, it will help to build the base for that world.

Many are calling it a “new world”. This is true in terms of what you experience now verses what you are creating. What you are actually creating is a remembrance of what it is to live your Divinity. It is a place you all have been and are bringing forward once again.

When you open your heart to the love that is there, ever present for you, then allow that love to flow as your light into the world, you will be living your Divinity. It will be a reminder for all. It will also lay down the base, the foundation, for the world that you are re-creating!

We send you our love and blessings. We wish you the joy of your heart!

Thank you for living your Divinity! Much love and big hugs! Linda

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